Thursday, 29 December 2011

Optimizing Websites and Landing Pages

Introduction to Website and Landing Page Optimization
Through AdWords, you can tailor your ad text and keywords in order to maximize your clicks and drive users to your website. However, getting users to your pages is only part of what you need for a successful website. If your users reach your site, but leave right away, then you're not getting significant return on your investment. To attain a high-quality, highly effective website, you'll need to optimize your website content.
But where to start? First, you have to know the goals of your site. Goals are activities on your website that are important to the success of your business. Obviously, a sale is a goal if you sell online. Email registrations, requests for a sales call, or even viewings of a video are other examples of goals. If you haven't built one or more key activities into your site, then no amount of site re-working is going to help. Without goals, you'll have no way of knowing how well you meet your visitors' needs or of measuring your website ROI.
Once you know your goals, then you have something else to think about: the user. Who is the audience of your website? Who are you trying to connect with? How can you guide them to take the actions you want on your site in a way they will respond to? Because it's the user reaction that will be determining whether or not you meet your goals, it's the user who should be the focus of your optimization efforts.
Google also believes in focusing on the user, which is one reason we've developed Landing Page Quality Guidelines, outlined in more detail in policies and quality prices. These guidelines are helpful to keep in mind when optimizing your site, as you try to balance the quality of your page with what will drive conversions. Unsurprisingly, the characteristics of a highly effective site are quite similar to those of a high-quality site. What makes pages successful are often the same things that users value -- like fast load time and unique content, two elements of high-quality landing pages.
There are three primary elements of quality to keep in mind when optimizing your site:
  • Relevant and original content: Attracts users and keeps them returning to your site.
  • Transparency: For websites, this means being clear about the nature of your business, how your site interacts with the user's computer, and how you use a visitor's personal information.
  • Navigability: Providing an easy path for users to find what they are looking for on your website.
These three elements have an important impact on the user experience of your site. Taking the time to put yourself into a user's mindset when visiting your site is the most important thing you can do to optimize your site. However, there are plenty of more specific ways to do that as well, which we'll review in this section.

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