Thursday, 29 December 2011

Benefits of Optimizing Websites and Landing Pages

There are numerous benefits to optimizing website content:
  • Increasing ROI on your advertising
  • Teaching you about the likes and dislikes of your customers
  • Trying out alternatives used by competitors
  • Breaking down preconceptions about what works
  • Convincing your team to try something bold or different
The most significant benefit, and goal, of optimizing websites is to keep users on your pages and improve your return on investment.
 Recent research suggests that users decide to stay on or leave your site in just a few seconds. This limited window of time in which to grab and retain a user's attention makes optimization crucial. By designing a website where users can quickly find what they want, you'll make it easier for them to reach the conversion page and take the action that means business results for you.
Even if you're an advertiser who's more concerned about brand awareness than driving traffic to a conversion or landing page, it's still worthwhile to optimize that page because landing page quality can affect other factors. As a component of overall AdWords Quality Score, high landing page quality can affect your ad rank. In this way, improving landing page quality, say, by making changes to the layout of a page to improve navigability, may increase the Quality Score of an ad group.
Let's use an example. Say you're advertising for a paid newsletter sign-up form that costs $30 and receives about 100 sign-ups a week. Using conversion tracking, you find that although many users are clicking your ads, you're not getting many newsletter sign-ups through the form. You can optimize your landing page so that users easily find the newsletter sign-up form when they first arrive at the page. Designing a better-performing page, even if it only increases your conversion rate by 1%, means a yearly revenue improvement of more than $1500 for you.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing points. I am pleased with all the points mentioned in this post that clearly highlights the use of optimizing landing pages. The main target is to gain more profits.
    increase conversion


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