Thursday, 29 December 2011

Troubleshooting and Best Practices for MCC

Troubleshooting Problems in MCC
There are a number of challenges you could run into -- nearly all of which have simple solutions. Here are a few more common ones:
Defining access for just certain groups of client accounts:
  • Solution: Use sub-MCCs. By creating another MCC and linking it to the original, you can group specific accounts underneath that sub-MCC and grant someone access to that MCC only. learn more.
  • If you need to move client accounts around later, you can use the "change client manager" function to move one client account to another sub-MCC.
Building out additional client accounts and sub-MCCs:
  • Solution: Create unique log-in emails. Only one AdWords account can be associated with a Google Account login, so you must use distinct, functioning login emails for each of the managed accounts linked to your My Client Center. To obtain more login emails for your managed accounts, we recommend taking advantage of a free email service, such as Google's Gmail, or a free email service available from another provider.
Linking an account that you're now managing -- that used to be managed by another MCC:
  • Solution: Transferring management of a client account that used to be managed by a separate MCC takes a few steps. First, the client herself needs to take the step to unlink from the previous manager. Check out our detailed instructions.
Note that only MCC admins may change access levels for other MCC users or users of a child account.

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